Saturday, February 28, 2009

Why is it...

Why is it that Cole moves with the speed and agility of an Olympic track star 98.5% of his waking hours, keeping me playing chase and catch me every time I need him to hold still BUT when I need him to move along and keep the pace to keep our blood from freezing while we are out walking Tucker, he pokes along at a snail's pace, wandering and strolling down the icy trail as if it was a balmy 80 degrees out??

I am happy he loves his daily walks as much as Tuck but I have Cole 25 yards behind me and Tucker 50 yards ahead of me and I'm running in place cursing this continuous winter under my breathe while I manage them both trying not to lose my patience. I have to keep Tucker in my line of vision but avoid hurrying Cole along since he has taken to sitting down in the snow in protest when I push him to move when he isn't ready, further delaying our lap around the park.

So sometimes, depending on how long a day I have had, I end up carrying a writhing 30lb unhappy little boy the remainder of the walk, as the pooch bounds ahead joyfully though glances back in our direction sensing my growing anxiety.

I shuffle along praying I keep my balance as I wrestle with Cole who wants to be under his own power. Good thing only a rare few are witnesses, as I'm one of only a handful of idiots out dutifully walking their canine in this weather and the only one insane enough to bring her toddler along!

I am toasty warm thanks to clutching Cole for the past 15 minutes by the time we return but irrationally irritated as I now have to navigate the two kids as we re-enter the house. I make everyone STOP, I get Cole's wet slippery boots off so he doesn't fall on his face as he now revs his engine and is back in the race again across the tile floor. I beg Tucker to sit until I can dry off his soaking 85lbs in a vain attempt to lessen further collection of muddy paw prints across the floor I just cleaned for the 4th time that day, 2 hours before. I have to get my 18 layers of clothes off, chase Cole to remove his snow pants, Tucker is drooling for his treat and now dinner needs to be started. *SIGH* But I guess if this is one of my biggest frustrations of the day, I should be so lucky!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Potty training....Phase 1

I'll keep this entry relatively succinct since there is not too much to share at this point but I did want to expound a wee (pun intended) bit since potty training really is a big confluence of events especially to a 2.3 year old.

I've read the books, listened to my mom peer's advice and ended up just like 85% of everything else with Cole ultimately have just gone with my gut on this whole potty thing.

Without going into great detail, Cole on his own volition has most recently begun associating a wet or poopy diaper with going to the toilet, he stops cold from whatever motion he was in and looks at me funny and then grabs his bum and mumbles. At this point, I prompt him "do you need to go to the potty"? I would say 30% of the time he says YES and off we go to remove his pants and diaper. I make a big deal about sitting on his little tushie seat and do my best to throw any remains into the toilet so we can make a big deal about flushing it away. He seems to thoroughly enjoy this event even saying BYE BYE to his turds.

The other 70% is business as usual and only when my nose catches the scent are we off for a change. I bought him CARS pull-ups but they honestly don't seem to be triggering any additional visits to the potty. However he does get very excited during diaper changes now and he actually will hold still while I put them on so Hallelujah for that.

I will have to say that the most unexpected thing about this whole learning to go potty ordeal which NONE of my research or reading alluded to has been how difficult after 26 months of changing and cleaning up a messy diaper while my lil guy squirms on his back is it to NOW wipe the mess while he fidgets standing up (which I do 30% of the time when we actually do the whole use the toilet thing). I'm killing trees left and right with the excess I seem to need to get him poop free with my novice skill at wiping him while he is vertical.

Stay tuned for further updates and hope they don't include entries about a clogged loo.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Another kind of "25 Things...." List

I joined the ranks of the addicted last fall by signing up for Facebook. For the longest time I thought the site was for those quite a bit younger than me but after hearing about so many who were re-connecting with so many individuals from their past, I decided to give it a whirl. I had become more nostalgic in the past few years and was genuinely curious as to what friends from various chapters of my life were doing with their lives.

It took me the better part of a month once I began to figure out the bells and whistles of the various tabs and functions of FB and to actually catch up with everyone who I was finding and those who were finding me in cyberspace. I felt exhilarated at coming across names and faces that were familiar despite the 15-20 years since I last saw or spoken to them.

The whole initial process reminded me of when I reluctantly registered my profile on back in 2001. All my single girlfriends were swearing they were "meeting" cool guys. They all had dates lined up and though none were finding their princes, they were all having a blast. I remember vividly painstakingly drafting my "about me" section and agonizing over what picture to post. I was shocked at the number of emails I got and I spent a ridiculous amount of my free time sorting through them. I had to create a system and make quick gut decisions about the guys. Facebook is obviously different in that I know everyone that is a "friend" and thus they aren't complete strangers however many are viewing my WALL and INFO for the first time in a long time. So updating them with my life's resume is what makes it feel comparable to when I was managing my MATCH profile.

Those who have been active in my life since college know that I ultimately of all my girlfriends who used MATCH, was the only one (and the least expected one) to meet her ROMEO! Dave and I shared emails through MATCH for a week before making plans and meeting for what was essentially a blind date. The rest is history and the butt of many a roast at our wedding festivities.

Anyway, I digress.

If you have been on Facebook recently, no doubt you have been tagged to write the “25 random things about me" list. I realize that some people do not like memes, or they are too busy to write the lists, but I enjoy the occasional one ever so often and I have had fun reading fun and frank tidbits about my FB friends.

Now, there’s a mama-fied version of the FB meme on the BabyCenter community, called "25 random things about being a mom". Here is what I came up with as I continue my maze of first time motherhood!

1. I had no idea that there were a depth & intensity of emotions I had yet to discover before becoming a mom.

2. I had no idea that I would be saying things like "please don't lick the rock" or " please don't put your cars in the toaster" or "please don't eat the dogfood".

3. I had no idea being a very Type A personality that I would be able to embrace dirty hands, spills, poop, throw up and general disarray of my home as I have, however I still cringe at crushed cracker particles, hand prints, snotty noses, muddy footprints on the back of the Volvo's seats and a sticky or dirty floor.

4. I cannot go to bed without every toy put away (Cole helps some and the rest I do after he is in bed); every piece of puzzle put back; every book binding facing up or out (so that he doesn't rip the pages pulling them out otherwise) and every part of anything with parts found and returned to its rightful position.

5. I had no idea that breastfeeding Cole would be the undescribable bond that it was and the only time he would be still for the first four months of his colicky life, really his entire life as he continues to be in motion 90% of time. (Nor did I anticipate breastfeeding for 15 months!)

6. I had no idea that Cole's wonder, awe, excitement, joy and freedom as he experiences life were contagious.

7. I had no idea that Cole would be teaching me more about myself than I would be teaching him about his world.

8. I had no idea that I could function on so little sleep for the better part of two years. Seriously, coming from someone who was miserable pre-child without 8 hours of uninterrupted ZZZs.

9. I had no idea that I would become a pack mule every time we left the house even for the shortest errand. '

10. I had no idea that a 30lb little boy could have enough energy that he could probably light up Times Square.

11. I had no idea how frustrating it could be to make or take a phone call. Everytime I get on the phone, despite having just played for hours, Cole decides to let me know he isn't happy about someone else having my attention.

12. I had no idea that watching my child sleep could be the balm to an absolutely terrible day.

13. I had no idea that I would have to repeat so many things so many times

14. I had no idea that at 18 months, Cole could outwit me already flashing his million dollar smile as he did so.

15. I had no idea that watching my son being wheeled into surgery would cause me to sob uncontrollably and almost vomit in fear.

16. I had no idea that I would have to hold myself back from intervening to let Cole experience falls, disappointments, frustration and playground dynamics.

17. I had no idea how proud I would be of each and every accomplishment and how sincerely surprised I could be when he seemingly mastered something overnight.

18. I wish I could put Cole's sweet, earthy, with a kiss of sunshine smell into a bottle to treasure forever. My brain will remember and savor that scent always.

19. I had no idea how delightful it could feel to have Cole see me after being apart and run full tilt into my arms saying in his lilting voice MOOOOMMMMYYYY!

20. I had no idea how purely entertained I could be by Cole's antics (most of the time).

21. I had no idea how irritating (like nails on a chalkboard or the mess packing peanuts make) WHINING could be.

22. I had no idea that I would cherish the privilege of being a stay-at-home mom. I honestly thought I would be a mom who went back to work. Until I was a mom I wasn't a mom and thus, the decision became quite clear for me on December 6, 2006.

23. I had no idea that my sense of hearing would intensify so greatly that I could wake from a dead sleep if a pin dropped.

24. I had no idea of the immediate adrenaline rush that can occur when you feel your child's pain.

25. I had no idea (despite every parent I know telling me so) how quickly time would pass and how fast Cole would change and grow.