Monday, September 14, 2009

Why oh Why oh Why

The title of my post could cover many a why oh why oh why am I so behind in blogging, or why oh why oh why do I have a child who doesn't need sleep like his mother does, or why oh why oh why when Cole asks WHY for the umpteenth time today does my brain short-circuit as it tends to do with monotonous repetitive activity.

I am going nuts with this stage of toddlerdom. I try to be witty and thoughtful with my replies but one can only be respectful of WHY when attributed to true questions not to every nitpicking thing one does during the course of a day...granted this stage of inquisitiveness is balanced with my absolutely entertaining verbal little boy who graces me with renditions of all his favorite songs now or his description of his day when I pick him from school. He comes running full tilt into my arms and bursts out with his memories of the past few hours as if he has been formulating what he was going to tell me all day...that gives my frazzled self a shot of happiness like no other...I just hope that this WHY phase fades as quickly his interest in couch jumping...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of Montessori 2009-2010

Where does the time go? I remember the very first day I dropped Cole off at Orono Montessori in 2008, I barely contained my tears as I left him in the hands of almost complete strangers. At the time, I second guessed our decision to enroll him since drop offs were so heart wrenching (for both of us) but I have watched him thrive with his peers and learn so much from his teachers and Montessori environment.

I love to watch him in the playground when I pull into the parking lot to pick him up. I never know where I'll find him, one day pushing a truck, the next a grocery cart, one day digging in the sandbox, the next making dinner with mulch chips in the playhouse. On rainy days, I glance around the corner and watch him raptly listening to storytime, singing or dancing, laughing and playing. My heart skips a beat as it remembers not so long ago, the sobs and the "mommy don't go". We've come a long way.