Friday, April 27, 2012

Cole's adventures with the Wild Kratts crew

Every Monday afternoon, Cole and I venture to the library. We have done so since he began walking. The librarians all know us and Cole navigates the shelves with an exact knowledge of what books are where (truck books vs. calliou books vs. super hero books). We also take advantage of being able to take out DVDs. Cole's preferences in characters, movies, action figures and such change like the wind so that with the exception of his true favorites, I never buy them. We rotate through four or five over a month's time. Right now his bin is stocked with Max and Ruby, Super Hero Power Squad, Ben 10 and Wild Kratts.

I have to admit that Cole watches way more TV than I ever imagined I would allow but I do filter what I allow which means we stick to PBS Kids as much as possible since the Disney Channel and Nick Jr. have commercials which he actually complains about having watched commercial free Sprout for so many years.

A few months back when nothing much else was on one EARLY morning, Wild Kratts was the only thing on that was permissible (I refuse to let him watch crap like SpongeBob). He whined and balked because it wasn't a familiar show but I said that was his only choice other than no TV at all. So he relented and I went to prepare breakfast. Not even 10 minutes late, Cole excitedly was relaying facts about cheetahs (and began racing around like one). For those who don't know Wild Kratts joins the adventures of Chris and Martin Kratt (real people as well as characters) as they encounter incredible wild animals. It is awesome science education as the duo travels to animal habitats around the globe. Each show explores an age-appropriate science concept central to an animal's life and showcases a rarely-before-seen wildlife moment, all wrapped up in engaging stories.

Of course, Cole has memorized the show's opening jingle and is now a walking encyclopedia when it comes to information regarding whales, draco lizards, wolves, kangaroos, sharks, raptors, bats, gazelles, amoras and beavers. I love how he has embraced the show and he loves that he can share his knowledge. I have learned a lot myself! These types of shows are what all kids should be watching!

Here is a clip!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Since Cole was just a wee babe, he has accompanied me on my daily walks with Tucker. We are so lucky to live a stone's throw from a big park with both paved and dirt trails as well as nearby soccer fields and large grassy expanses. Cole now knows where the paths are that are less traveled and loves to run ahead with Tucker. He also knows from years of walking with me that in good weather I take an extra bag and pick up trash along our journey. It makes me irate to see soda cans and candy wrappers strewn amongst the wildflowers. It upsets me even more to see garbage scattered throughout the playground and picnic pavilions when large green trashcans are but a step away. I have verbally commented out loud that these things make me angry and hoped that I was showing him with my actions that we many times need to go the extra mile to make up for the selfishness of others.

When the last of the snow melted back in early March (two months earlier than usual), the park unveiled all the litter that had been under cover for the winter. This year, Cole wanted his own bag to fill and he has been eagerly keeping an eye out for plastic bottles and other items that I allow him to pick up. One day recently as we were out walking Cole says "mom, we are talking about Earth Day at school and you know what, I got to tell my class that I'm keeping the earth healthy because I pick up trash when we walk Tucker!". He was sooo proud of himself, he beamed from ear to ear. I hope that as he gets older that he remains strong in acting upon and defending the things that he knows are right and good no matter that those around him might think differently (or indifferently).

Friday, April 13, 2012

The little notebook I carry around with me has been filling up with Cole's witticisms, so as I mentioned in my first post of this month, I would be blogging each week about some of them. Here we go:

Each Tuesday Cole has swimming lessons and each week we have some time to wait for his class to begin after he gets changed. I hate to watch the kids rushing in with their frazzled parents who are shooing them along. Though I understand sometimes things make you late, anyone who knows me well knows that being late regularly in my eyes is unacceptable; especially when your kids are the ones dealing with the consequences. Anyhow I digress; Cole and I wait in the flimsy plastic chairs that line the pool perimeter and watch the earlier classes finishing up. Each session one of the instructors becomes the supervisor for 12 weeks and walks around and observes the nine individual classes simultaneously taking place. They wear a distinct FOSS blue shirt and tan shorts. Cole had asked me quite awhile ago who that was, what they were doing and why. This particular week as Cole was waiting patiently, the guy who is acting as supervisor this session walked by us. Cole blurts out, "hey mom, that is the super guy". I chuckled as Ian turned around and gave him a big smile having obviously heard him and knowing what he meant to say!

Driving home from school one day, we heard the radio ad for the upcoming Twin Cities Home and Garden show. Cole later saw a TV commercial for it and made mention that we had just heard about that a few hours earlier on the radio. Later that evening as Cole and I were reading bedtime books, we finished a book about recycling and trash since he was learning about that at school with Earth Day approaching. As I closed the book, Cole pipes up "Mom, I hope they recycle at the Home and Garbage Show?" :-)

Friday, April 6, 2012

This month's posts will be a series since I have a growing volume of "Coleisms" to share. Cole has been quite prolific in creating these (oblivious to the fact that his mom is documenting them) since all he does of late is talk, talk, and talk some more.

Cole is constantly cracking us up with his witty and creative banter. He will be chatting your ear off about super heroes and then mid-stream change subjects but he does it so seamlessly that it takes you a minute to realize he is now talking about something entirely different. When you question him to confirm that he is now speaking about X, he tosses you a look that says "duh, yes, I'm talking about cheetahs, weren't you listening!"

He absorbs everything he sees on TV shows, hears about from books and learns at school. While driving in the car, he routinely blurts out facts like "mom, did you know that a race car has a tighter suspension than your Explorer?" and asks very advanced thinking type questions like "mom, so dinosaurs roamed all over the world, do you think they were ever in our backyard?"

I am thoroughly enjoying this phase as my kiddo lets his mind wander all over soaking up everyday AND obscure knowledge, I'm learning (or re-learning) a thing or two along the way! :-)