Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy and content...

I think the most rewarding, heart warming and downright fantastic moment is when at the end of a day, after Cole and I have read books and turned out his lights, snuggled in with his eyes barely able to remain open, he softly says "mommy, I loved this day and I love you because we had so much fun" Pure joy runs through my body knowing my little guy is so content and happy. It elevates me to an emotional place I never could have expected.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Geography A +

I just posted a few weeks back about how geographically aware Cole has shown he is per his comments when driving around. The other day while circling in the Costco parking lot, he was looking at the license plates, repeating "Minnesota, Minnesota, Minnesota". NOTE: When we have been on road trips out of state, many times in parking lots, Cole will point out that a car isn't from Minnesota because it has a different license plate. As we made our way down the aisle looking for a vacant spot, Cole piped up from the backseat excitedly "Mom, look, that car is from TEXAS!!" Astounded to find he was indeed correct, I asked him how he knew that. With a shrug of his shoulders he goes "I just do". Baffled, I tried to remember if we had ever seen a Texas plate in our travels and I couldn't recall. We do have a map of the United States in his playroom and he has learned about the fifty states through books and Montessori but for him to recognize the license plate which does have the shape of Texas outlined but very small between the first set of numbers and the second was just plain darn impressive. He definitely has a keen sense of observation and sees the details in everything; watching him use these skills gives me a sense of delight and a sneak preview of all the interesting things he will surprise us with in the years to come.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Cole (isms)...

Here are some of the latest and greatest Cole(isms). You never know when they will pop out of his mouth so their unexpectedness adds significant value and entertainment. Enjoy!

We were making cookies one afternoon and as Cole stirred things up for me in the bowl, I kept adding ingredients. The dough was getting stiffer as I added in flour and Cole goes "mom, I think you put in enough dust".

Out on the boat, Cole was determined to fish despite the fact that he had tangled the line in his rod for the umpteenth time and Dave's rod had unfortunately gone overboard. I knew Dave was short on patience so I tried to change Cole's activity to coloring since we had brought cars and other distractions since the water is still too cold to swim in. He didn't want anything to do with me having spent the entire day prior with me inside since it had rained. I was trying desperately to give Dave some peace but on a 21 foot boat there isn't a place to "hide". Dave had his eyes closed and I said "daddy is trying to relax". Cole climbs up on him with his crayons in hand and says "Daddy, coloring is very relaxing!"

Spring came six weeks later than it did last year and thus, we are just now seeing things bloom and the rabbits, squirrels and other creatures return. The other day as we passed the park on our way to the gym, an albino squirrel scampered towards the curb. I quickly pointed him out to Cole as he darted back towards the big walnut tree. Cole goes "mom, what happened to his paint?"

Friday, May 6, 2011

My little bird...

This picture says it all and at least recently is the extent to what we can get Cole to eat at any given time. We have struggled the past six weeks with him and eating. He has always been a grazer and a slow eater, taking over an hour at times to finish his meals but lately our frustration (his and ours) has been mounting. We don't want to force him to eat but he simply needs to eat with the amount of activity he expends.

He drinks enough milk to make a plausible case for buying our own cow but even when we limit his intake of that with hopes of increasing his appetite, he just balks at eating much more than a few pieces of fruit, some noodles and a protein bar. He refuses meat protein other than turkey hot dogs and always has. We have even joked that he will be a vegetarian; although he doesn't like many vegetables either.

He puts on a performance quite worthy of an Academy Award Winner with instantaneous tears and dramatic airs that would usurp most soap opera divas when we ask him to finish what is on his plate. He says he is tired, his tummy hurts, he wants to take a rest, he is full, yada yada yada yada....and yet, 2 minutes later, he is racing around.

So this morning as I vainly attempted to get him to eat his breakfast, I said with impatience "Cole, if you don't eat well, you won't be able to grow tall and strong and become a race car driver". Without even a moment's hesitation, he retorts "but Mom, I don't want to grow up, I want to stay a little boy forever so I can race with you" He even threw in his impish smile as if he knew very well that tugging at my heartstrings would end this ongoing argument (at least for now). *sigh*

Any suggestions are welcome!