Friday, August 7, 2009


Cole could be a great Nike spokesperson since just about everything he responds to with "I DO IT". This reply is standard for opening & closing doors, buckling his carseat strap, getting into and out of the Volvo, retrieving his sippy cups from the refrigerator, pushing play on the DVD player, putting toothpaste on his toothbrush, wiping his face with a washcloth, entering and exiting the bathtub, sliding on his shoes, pulling the mail from the mailbox, holding Tucker's leash and the list continues...of course, he shrieks like a wet hen when he doesn't get to do it and I cringe when I hear myself state "Cole, you can't always do everything yourself, sometimes Mommy or Daddy has to do for the sake of time (or more truthfully for lack of patience) knowing that a meltdown of grand proportions will take center stage. Of course he has his moments when he rather "Mommy DO IT" which typically is when he makes a mess and wants me to clean it up, wants me to carry his truck and/or him after he gets tired with 20 minutes more to go of our walk with Tucker or when I'm driving and can't pick up whatever he has dropped.

I love his independence as the apple hasn't fallen far from the proverbial tree however, the foot stomping whining that ensues when he can't do it himself sometimes has me wanting to say "FINE YOU DO IT, YOU DO IT ALL" in a adult version of a tantrum. As a parent I have these thoughts daily but I remain calm, cool and collected (most times) and let him have his momentary lapse of composure. Like a switch he shuts off the tirade as quick as it starts on most occasions as his distraction tendency is high which is lucky for me.

I just wish "I DO IT" would be attributable to going potty on the potty *sigh*...but I guess he isn't ready for that amount of responsibility quite yet!

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