Sunday, May 23, 2010

My little writer...

He might not be potty trained like 90% of his peers but Cole has always strayed from the "normal" range of activity/development for his age group and done his own thing his own way (hmmm, sound like anyone else you might know??) although he still proudly wears his PULLUPS, he can write his name without assistance and I am awed by that considering he isn't even 3.5 years! I am glad he has a short name to tackle though he tells me the "e" is "tricky". He has been tracing words and his name at school and home for a few months now and voila, one day I pick up his work from his cubby and there his name is scrawled in free hand with a star and note from his teacher! So I had him sign all his grandmother/great grandmother cards this year which he loved. It simply amazes me how a child's brain learns these functions and all that he has come to be able to master in a short 42 months!

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