Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cole's Quips

I keep a legal pad next to my work notebook so I can jot things down as I think of them throughout the day. I have a column for things of a personal nature, household to-do's, things to find out/research and an area dedicated to Cole "stuff".

There was a time when I could make a mental list, add and subtract from it, itemize, organize and prioritize it all within the confines of my head but alas, three plus years of interrupted sleep almost every night has taken its toll and the old noggin doesn't operate as it once did.

Anyway, I also keep a running tally of the entertaining, fascinating, witty and poetic things that Cole does and says these days. If I don't, the precious memory of the laugh or sigh they cause will indeed fade as if they never occurred so their documentation I have made a MUST. I am rarely at a loss as to what to BLOG about but now I have so many Cole "isms" that they far surpass my ability (or time) to write individual blog posts about each one. So I will share some of the shorter, less in need of an explanation Cole quips that have escaped his lips as of late.

Quote #1

Bedtime is always full of laughs and snuggles, we have always read numerous books before lights out, although NOW, Cole has begun reading to us, turning the pages, telling the story he sees (or remembers) which is a delightful change. For the past 42 months, I have without fail said to him "SWEET DREAMS, NIGHT NIGHT, I LOVE YOU" and given him a kiss. One night several weeks back, in a sleepy state, along with his reply of "I LOVE YOU TOO MOMMY", he softly says "SWEET NIGHT NIGHTS" and gives me the most innocent angelic smile. He has said that ever since, it is now our new way of ending the day.

Quote #2

Spring arrived much earlier than usual this year and we actually had a string of 90 degree days so we had to pull out the sprinkler to stay cool and help water our budding plants. Our neighbor has a sprinkler that works on a timer and is the old fashioned kind that makes the "JJJJTTTTZZZZ" sound as it makes its way back and forth across the lawn. Cole loves to watch and listen to it from our front door. One evening as he stood there for the better part of 10 minutes (anyone who knows Cole knows that not much can hold him in one place for more than 5), he turns to me as I worked on my computer and says "look mommy, Jesse's sprinkler is going in an ARC". As usual, I racked my brain trying to figure out where the heck he heard that term and dumbfounded that he used it in context. He floors us weekly with his growing vocabulary and direct use of it.

Quote #3

Cole loves to go to the mall. Obviously NOT to shop but to play at the indoor recreation area. Those who have cold winters know that these are grand to have to avoid cabin fever (or rainy days in the summertime). Obviously I won't just go to the mall without running an errand or two, and Cole knows the drill. We stop and find mommy "fill in the blank" when we first get there, then we go play, then we run the second errand, we then finish up by getting a soft pretzel then sitting in the atrium watching all the people walk by. The last time we made a trip to the mall, I had something to return which I did relatively quickly. Cole was anxious to get to the play area as he considered that return my "first" mommy errand. As we walked from Macy's towards the inner mall area, I kept glancing at racks looking for that always elusive perfect (insert shirt/dress/pair of jeans). Cole was getting annoyed at my slow pace and finally blurted out "mommy, don't find anything, it is my turn". I could only sigh and agree with him.

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