Saturday, August 21, 2010

I don't want a dirty banana...

Cole is a very very very selective eater. He ate many more foods as a toddler than he does as a pre-schooler. The past six months he keeps me guessing as one week he will eat corn or peas and the next week, he won't touch them. One day he will eat noodles with butter and the next he is shrieking because he doesn't want the "sauce". He will devour blueberries, apples and strawberries and then say 24 hours later "I don't like those". He won't touch chicken nuggets (or most meat proteins), has NEVER taken to yogurt and shies away from most veggies. So cooking for him is a frustrating task. I have thought about just giving him a plate a food and if he eats it, great and if he doesn't, then he will if he is hungry enough. However, he is already reed thin and wiry because of his 5am-8pm GO GO GO schedule (no more naps sadly except the occasional crash mid-afternoon on our couch) and thus I worry about his caloric intake. He does drink almost 1 1/2 gallon of milk each week, eats eggs, cheese and turkey hot dogs and lots of organic fruit. I am hopeful he will embrace a broader menu as he grows.

Anyway, this week he has been a little monkey, noshing on bananas. I peel them typically so he doesn't see them before they hit his plate. Sitting on the stool in the kitchen as I made homemade tomato sauce, he asked for a banana (his second before 8am), my hands were full of tomato seeds/skins so I told him to take one and peel it. He said "but I don't want a dirty banana". I realized he thought the few brown spots on the skin was dirt. I explained that the banana was perfectly fine, he looked at me as if I was trying to pull a fast one. So he peeled it back and voila, he smiled and said "oh, okay...yummy"

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