Friday, February 22, 2013

Tooth fairy comes to the Denham house for the first time....

Cole was a late teether so we haven't been surprised that he hadn't lost any teeth yet. He kept asking when he would since many of his friends had lost multiple teeth already. Then one day, he noticed his bottom front tooth slightly wiggling. He was afraid to play with it too much and was all concerned that it would fall out and he would lose it. I could see him checking often with his tongue to see if it was still connected.

One evening while at karate, they were grappling (controlled wrestling) and I suddenly saw Cole's face freeze. He put his hand up to his mouth and sure enough the tooth had come out. He ran over with a huge smile on his face. Luckily, the blood was minimal and I wrapped the tooth in a wet wipe and off he went back to his lesson with a gap in his grin.

He beamed the entire drive home and couldn't wait to write his note to the tooth fairy.

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