Friday, January 18, 2013

Artist in residence...

Cole has always been quite the artist. When he was a toddler, he loved to paint. As a preschooler, he was more into coloring. This past year, he has been coming home with fantastic drawings in his daily classroom journal. On weekends or after school, he will disappear downstairs to his "art center" and create/cut/glue/shape awesome artwork, bringing them upstairs upon completion to hang on the refrigerator. He is quite prolific and he is very good (I say that not just as his mom but truly because he draws well beyond the level of a typical six year old).

At school a few months back, his teacher contacted me to let me know that a picture he had drawn of his school had been chosen to be included in a permanent banner in the main hallway. He was only one of seven students amidst a few hundred that were selected. Then, this past month, we received word that his self-portrait (an art project that his kindergarten teacher did with them and hung outside their classroom) had been chosen by his principal and a school board member to be showcased at a statewide teacher/educational conference. Not only had his been chosen but the school board wanted to recognize him and the others at its monthly meeting. So, 10 or so of his peers and their teachers met at 6:30 one evening in front of the school board members. They were given certificates and their names were read out loud by Mr. Pollock (Aquila's principal). As parents, we were proud as peacocks. I don't believe Cole had any true grasp of what all the hoopla was about but I hope it reinforced his obvious love of art/creative work. In today's age where the arts are rarely taught as a separate subject anymore, I applaud his teacher and his school for incorporating art appreciation into the kid's everyday lessons. I hope Cole continues to enjoy bringing his imagination to life on paper. With all the tech gadgets that invade their worlds these days, ensuring they have other outlets to feed their development is a must!

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