Monday, June 4, 2012

Beantown & Cape Cod Trip Adventure (Post 3/3)

Thursday we FINALLY awoke to SUNSHINE!! Yippee! After some breakfast, our plan was to park our bums on the beach for the day and that is exactly what we did. Cole dug around in the sand, splashed around in the absolutely still waters of the bay and just enjoyed being out of the car, LOL! The stretch of beach we were on we had pretty much had to ourselves though things were getting busier in general as the Memorial Day weekend approached and more vacationers arrived. The outside bar opened up and Dave and I could enjoy some adult beverages sipping seaside. We literally did not leave the resort until dinnertime when we ventured into Wood's Hole for some seafood.

Friday dawned another sunny morning though the clouds were filtering in and we were pretending to blow them away as we desired another fun beach day. We had the morning to be lazy before Kristen and her girls came down to hang with us. The cloud cover was much heavier by mid-day but we remained on the beach. The kids played around for an hour or two before it began to rain *sigh*. We hightailed it in to the indoor pool. As we hustled in with our gear, we found out that despite having been there all week we now needed bracelets to identify we were guests. The rules were being enforced now that the resort had filled up. So we made due inside hoping the sun would peak back out. It didn't. :-( Kristen had forgotten clothes for the girls and had to head back to Plymouth so we brought the girls into our room, got them cleaned up and into some of Cole's clothes. They watched a movie while Dave and I got ready. Surprisingly Kristen avoided hitting bad traffic on the Friday afternoon before a long holiday and made it back in record time. We met Luke down on their boat in Falmouth Harbour and ate pizza. It was too misty to take the boat out for a spin.

We got up Saturday morning to ANOTHER foggy scene but were determined to get over to Martha's Vineyard. Luke was positive that the fog would burn off so we set off. It was eerie making our way across the sound with boats appearing out of what seemed like nowhere in the fog. Half-way across the sun began breaking through and by the time we made it over to MV, the sun was out strong! We docked at a mooring in Oak Bluffs and waited for the "taxi" to come and get us and take us to land. The oldest working carousel was in town and we took the kids for a ride on it. We meandered through town but with three kiddos under seven who were hot and hungry, we decided to stop for lunch. We ate alfresco under the warm sun and then made our way back to the boat. After a short stop at a beach where the kids swam, we sailed back into Falmouth and said our good-byes to the Cantella family. Cole and I took a long walk on the beach at our resort at sunset, our last evening of a grand vacation!

Of course, when we awoke Sunday morning, the sky was picture perfect *arrgghh*. We had to pack up and head back to Boston to catch our flight but were stopping in Hingham to visit with the LaRhette family. As we drove off the Cape with the sparkling sea behind us, I really wanted one more day at the beach but it wasn't in our plans. After a terrific pitstop to catch up with Mike, Jen and the boys, we made great time to the airport. What a fantastic 10 days together! We missed Tucker and our life in Minnesota but thoroughly enjoyed our time away. We will be back!

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