Monday, June 11, 2012

Here comes the bride...

We are very close with our neighbors, Jesse and Debbie. In today's world where many people living on the same street don't even know one another's names, it is refreshing to know that we have two people living next door that have our backs. We watch each other's homes when the other is out of town. I unofficially "supervised" the construction crew when they rebuilt their house last summer providing eyes and ears for them. We drink, BBQ and chill with them...their lab Coogee is Tucker's pal.

Cole adores Jesse who acts like a big brother, yelling to him over the fence, wrestling, kicking balls, playing bean bag toss, dumping him upside-down and just in general being fun with him. Cole knows to go to their door if there is trouble, danger, a fire or any other emergency. He excitedly clambers up on top of our compost bin to share news of his soccer goals, his superhero powers or any other daily trivia when he sees Jesse out in their yard.

So we were honored when they asked months ago for Cole to be the ring-bearer at their June 8, 2012 wedding. It would be a first for him (getting dressed up and attending a wedding). At the rehearsal dinner the evening before, he and Lauren, the flower girl were seemingly annoyed by their duties. Cole attempting to hold Lauren's hand as they practiced walking down the aisle was shunned as she turned away. He shrugged and continued on, standing by Jesse with a look that said, "what the heck is this all about anyway??". He was over the moon though following dinner when he received his own tackle box for fishing as a gift!

After another 2 hour drive back down to Rochester to take part in photos being taken prior to the ceremony, he just wanted to run around. Unfortunately, it was a crazy hot day and trying to keep him clean and relatively subdued while wearing suspenders and a tie was a feat. Eventually, the guests began arriving and the wedding party went into hiding. A light breeze blew as we all sat down beneath the great oak tree waiting in anticipation. The music began and the wedding party began to assemble. Cole had to carry a sign (not actually the rings) and thus didn't have to worry about holding Lauren's hand *whew*. Down they both came with pseudo-smiles. Debbie followed with her dad. After standing there for all but 5 minutes, Cole began to swivel, knowing he had to stay on "his spot". Dave caught his eye with the camera and he glared back, very much impatient with the whole ordeal but he managed to get through the 25 minute ceremony and with relief apparent on his face headed back down the aisle.

His tie came off almost immediately and he was covered in dust before the reception began but he was off-duty. It was a wonderful celebration and we were so happy to be a part of Jesse and Debbie's special day!

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