Monday, July 16, 2012

Batter Up...

The past six weeks we have had a calendar full of seasonal fun, fishing, boating, play dates, camping, backyard sprinklers, ice cream, and bike riding! Our evenings have been defined by swim lessons, soccer practice/games and T-ball (no practice just games).

No doubt, Cole loves to play with our various media devices, that is just part of the activity that his generation is growing up with but simply put Cole loves to move (like someone else I know, LOL). With him communicating interest in playing sports, he has had a busy summer trying some new things and doing a body good. Cole has learned a lot about teamwork, sportsmanship, and dedication and has gained an appreciation for what it takes to be a part of something.

He began T-ball the same week as soccer last month. The games each Wednesday are played a stone's throw from our front door in the park 50 yards away. His team is the Dodgers and they wear light blue t-shirts and hats sponsored by our local grocery, CUB Foods. Each week, he has excitedly put on his uniform and inquired what team they would be playing against.

T-ball with five year olds is even more comical than soccer with five year olds. The first few weeks, no one remained in position as they would all run for the ball. There are no outs, everyone gets multiple chances to bat so those kiddos out in the field after 5 minutes were bored, digging holes in the dirt, purposely kicking up clouds of fine dust, looking anywhere but from where the ball could be coming from. There were some close calls with balls whizzing by their heads and near collisions as four of them tackled the ball but they were laughing and having a grand ole time. Several weeks into the season, they are hitting stronger and paying a wee more attention. Everyone loves to play catcher and put the mask on.

Cole has played catch and hit balls many times with Dave and I previous to T-ball. He has a straight as an arrow throw and is a pretty good catcher. He keeps his eye on the ball and hits solidly. The very first time he went up to bat during a game, he strode up and batted left! The coaches were all surprised as he WHACKED it. They get three or four tries each time and Cole continued to hit pretty well. Though he throws right-handed, he has continued to bat left-handed and proficiently. Pop-Pop was very excited to hear that maybe he could be a switch-hitter someday!

Below is a video from his first game!

Cole's first T-Ball Practice from David Denham on Vimeo.

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