Monday, July 30, 2012

My little fish's update...

I have posted a swim update every few months since it has been the one area that Cole has seemed to struggled with. Every session (12 weeks in length) he has made progress but this summer has been a breakthrough few months! He finally seems at ease and his limbs seem to be working with him as he coordinates his strokes rather than against him all willy nilly.

I have sat and observed for the better part of the past year as he attempted valiantly to keep up with his swim mates. He loves being competitive and he was frustrated that he wasn't going as fast and often tearful that his teachers had to keep assisting him. You could see as he got into the pool each week he was excited and ready to go and yet 10 minutes into class he would begin grimacing when he couldn't keep up. I had him begin practicing his arm movements in our big bathtub back in May and at some point he realized he was improving as he would practice without coaxing and the result was that his muscle memory began to kick in during lessons. His endurance has grown too which has helped him as well since he still has to work harder than the others. He now gets through the entire 30 minutes with a smile on his face. You can see he isn't "thinking" as much about his strokes, they are coming more naturally.

See below for videos of him doing both front and back stroke.

Front Stroke/Swim Lessons July 2012 from David Denham on Vimeo.

Back Stroke/Swim Lessons July 2012 from David Denham on Vimeo.

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